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Materi Pembelajaran Greeting

            Greetings in all languages have the same purpose: to establish contact with another person, to recognize his or her existence, and to show friendliness.
            When people have not seen each other for a long time, the greeting is often enthusiastic and is usually accompanied by shaking hands among men, hugging among both men and women, and sometimes a kiss on cheek among women.
            Usually people do not suddenly quit talking,say good- bye, and leave each other abruptly; ending a conversation normally take some time. This involves two kinds of interaction: preclosings and closings.Preclosings are phrases that signal the end of a conversation; closings are phrases that explicitly end the conversation.
            When people leave, they will say thank you and good bye. People who are leaving each other permanently or for a long time, shake hands or embrace, depending on the relationship. If you are in a familiar situation and wonder what to do, watch other people or ask.
Language Expressions:    
Morning (6 a.m to 12 noon)                            GOOD MORNING
Afternoon (12 noon to 6 p.m)                         GOOD AFTERNOON
Evening (6 p.m to midnight)                           GOOD EVENING
Time to go to bed                                            GOOD NIGHT
Departing                                                        GOOD BYE

  GREETINGS                                  RESPONSES
 Good morning                                   Good morning
 Good evening                                     Good evening
 How nice to see you                         Nice to see you too
 Hello                                                  Hello
 Hi                                                      Hi
How are you?                                     Fine,thanks. And you?
How’s you been?                                Pretty good
What’s happening?                             Not much
What’s new?                                       Nothing
How are you doing?                           OK/ not bad
I don’t think we’ve met before          
Long time, not see                              Yeah!

PRECLOSING                                 RESPONSES

Well, I’m afraid I have to be              Thank you for coming
It’s been a pleasure                             My pleasure
I really must go (stronger)                   It’s good to see you
I know you are busy                           Nice to see you
Nice to see you again                          It was fun
Thanks for coming                              Sounds good
I’ve really got to go                            OK, See yous

CLOSINGS                                       RESPONSES

Until the next time....                          Good bye
Good night,.....                                    Good night
Good bye,....                                       Good bye
Have a nice... (weekend)                    You too
Talk to you later                                  Bye. Take it easy
See you later                                       So long, Take care
                                                            Keep in touch, cheerio
Pelajari contoh percakapan berikut:
Conversation 1   At school

Lia                   : Good morning, Mrs Ani
Mrs Ani           : Good morning, Lia. How are you this morning?
Lia                   : Very well, thank you. How about you?
Mrs. Ani          : Fine, thanks.

Conversation 2      At a restaurant     

Waiter             : Good evening, Sir.
Bobby             : Good evening. A table for three
Waiter             : Certainly, sir. Please come with me
Bobby             : Thank you

Conversation 3       In the classroom

Donny             : Well, cheerio Martha
Martha             : Bye now. See you tomorrow

Conversation 4       At the teacher’s house

Tono                : Good bye, Mrs Rini
Teacher            : Good bye, Tono. It’s been nice talking to you

Exercise: Construct a dialogue based on the folloing situation.
A and B are old friends. They see each other again after four years. A has an important meeting and can’t talk along.(you can use your name or made-up names for practicing this situation).
            A                                                                                 B
1. Greet B                                                                   1. Greet A, ask about weekend
2. Talks about weekend, ask about B’s weekend       2. Answer question
3. Give preclosing                                                       3. Replies to preclosing
4. Closes                                                                      4. Replies.

EXPRESSING THANKS                                        RESPONSES

I’very grateful for.....                                                  You’re very welcome
Thank you very much for...                                         You’re quite welcome
Thank you so much for....                                           You’re entirely welcome
Thank you so much for....                                           Don’t mention it
Thank you for....                                                         It was my pleasure
That was very nice of you. Thank you                        Don’t mention it
That was nice of you                                                   You’re welcome
Thank you. But you really should not have                Well, I just wanted to show my appreciation for
They’re beautiful but you don’t need to...                  But I wanted to
Thanks a lot for...                                                        You’re welcome
I really appreciate (the invitation)                               Sure
Thanks                                                                         It was nothing. What are friends for?
Thanks a millon!                                                          Don’t worry about it
Thank for trying                                                          Forget it

Pelajari contoh percakapan berikut:
Conversation 1                        Thanking for gifts
Jane                 : Oh, thank you! I just love roses! Are they from you garden?
Jack                 : It’s beautiful! Thank you very much. I’ve always wanted a picture from Japan. Did
                          you get it in Florist shop?

Conversation 2                        Thanking for offers of help
Nick                : Do yo need help moving this weekend?
Joe                   : Thanks. I’ve already got four oher guys! But thank for offering

Conversation 3                        Thanking for compliments and wishes of succeess
Ronal               : That’s a nice shirt!
Nancy              : Oh, thanks.I just got it at Mitra Department Store.

Ariel                : Good luck on our exam tomorrow, Rand
Randy             : Thanks, Riel. I’ll need it.

Conversation 4                        Thanking for interest in your health
Mark                : How’s your husband these days?
Ellen                : Oh, he’spretty good, thanks.

Conversation 5                        Thanking for invitation
Tya                  : Can you come over for lunch on Sunday?
Moudy            : Oh, I’d love to, but I’ve got a dentist’s appointment at eleven thirty.Thanks anyway  
                          for invitation.           

Conversation 6                        Thanking when leaving a party
Nany               : Thank you so much for the lovely evening. We had such a good time.
Shinta              : You’re quite welcome. Thank for your coming. We’d been looking forward to
                           seeing you for a long time.

Conversation 7                        Thanking for other service
Doctor             : the best thing now is to go home and take these pills, and if you don’t feel better
                          in a couple days, let me know.
Patient             : Thank you very much, Doctor.
Doctor             : That’s quite all right. Good-bye.

Exercise. Construct a dialogue based on this situation.
A  has just recently gotten married.A sees B at the bookstore and goes over to thank B for the
 wedding gift.
1.      Greet B                                                                                   1. Greet A
2.      Thank B for the present, compliment B for the gift               2. Replies to thank
3.      Ask for more information about the gift                                3. Replies to question
4.      Repeat thanks, compliment spresent again                             4. Replies to compliment
5.      Gives preclosing                                                                      5. Replies to preclosing
6.      Says good -bye                                                                                   6. Says good-bye


INTRODUCERS                               RESPONSE A                                    RESPONSE B
I’d like to introduce...                         How do you do?                     How do you do?
I’d lik introduce...                               Glad to meet you                    The pleasure is mine
I’d like to meet...                                Nice to meet yo                       Nice to meet you
I’d like to introduce...                         Pleased to meet you
I’d like to meet...                                Nice to meet you                     I’ve herad so much about you
This is...                                               Hi                                            Hi


SELF                                                                           RESPONSES
Hello. I’m.....                                                               How do you do? I’m...
Hello. My name is...                                                    Pleased to meet you. I’m...
I don’t think we’ve met. I’m...                                   Nice to meet you. I,m...
Hi. I’m......... What’s your name?                               Hi. I’m......., but everyone calls me....

Pelajari contoh percakapan berikut

Conversation 1                        At school
Adeline           : Hi! I’m Adeline taylor. Please call me Ade.
Rini                 : OK, Ade. What’s your last name again?
Adeline           : It’s Taylor. T-A-Y-L-O-R

Conversation 2                        At Olga’s Birthday Party
Roy                 : Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Roy.
Budi                : How do you do? My name is Budi
Roy                 : Nice to meet you Bud. This is my girl friend, Anisa.
Budi                : How do you do?
Roy                 : How do you do? Glad to meet you.

Exercise: Construct a dialogue based on this situation.
Situation: Three Vocational students  meet in the hall on their way to the class. A knows both B and C, but B and C don’t know each other.

1.      Greet B                                   1. Greet A
2.      Tells C about B’s job              2. Greet C                                           2. Replies to B           
                                                 3.Ask C about his or her class            3.Tell what classes he or
                                                                                                                she talking
      4.Remarks how well C is doing in her school

              Grammar Focus:

      Pronoun and Personal Pronoun
possessive adjective
possessive pronoun
I know Tom
Tom know me
It’s my car
It is mine
You see Jean’s cat
The cat watches you
Your cat is cute
Yours is cute
We live here
It makes us happy
Our lives are happy
Ours are happy
They bring water
It makes them fresh
Their water is pure
Theirs is pure
He comes here
You must see him
His face is good
His is good
She likes rabbit
Rabbit makes her happy
Her rabbit is funny
Hers is funny
It eats grass
People know it
Its food is grass

              TO BE


TO BE (AM, IS, ARE            )
He, She, It
A jurnalist
They, We, You
In the classroom


TO BE (AM, IS, ARE            ) NOT
Am not
He, She, It
Is not
A jurnalist
They, We, You
Are not
In the classroom


He, She, It
A foreman
They, We, You
In the workshop

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